– The article below discusses how to “PURSUE A CAREER” based on your attributes to find your perfect job.
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On Day 15 Of “Career Plan In 15 Days” you will:
•Step 1 – Career Purpose – Picked your career goal
•Step 2 – Valuable Skill – Picked your valuable and marketable skill
•Step 3 – #1 Dream Career – Picked your dream career
•Step 4 – Career Plan – Developed your multi-year career plan
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Pursue A Career: The Keys To Choosing Your Perfect Job
Have you ever experienced the “Bandwagon Effect” when making important decisions such as picking your career goals?
Let’s first explain what the bandwagon-effect is. Studies have shown that consumers make buying decisions by following certain trends. They exhibit herd behavior, following the majority when making decisions.
You may pursue a career because your peers like it. Some jobs may seem like a roadway to fame or money. These lucrative careers make them the most sought after. However, the popularity of a career doesn’t make it the perfect choice for you. Career decisions are long-term and should dictate your education path, school societies to join, and activities to participate in. It makes sense to invest time and effort to plan a career that is tailored towards emphasizing personal strengths. When deciding on a career consider these points.
1) Pursue a career that will make you happy
Select the option that excites you so much that you look forward to a weekday. You may wonder, what defines a perfect career? What field is suitable for you? Which role will help you achieve your future goals? What type of job will make you happy?
Most people around you are not satisfied with their jobs. Some look like zombies, dragging themselves to work each day only to wait for office time to end. A lot of people stressed and depressed following a daily routine that is constant torture? They are discouraged because they did not pursue a career that inspired them or ignited a spark within their soul. They are trying their best to survive without any hope of experiencing moments where they could shout out loud that, “This is what I have always wanted to do!”
According to a worldwide survey conducted by Gallup, “Only 15% of the world’s full-time employees are happy with the work they do. 85% either hate their job or are just not interested in their work”. You definitely don’t want to be a part of the majority and suffer from work-related psychological trauma. To avoid such pain you need to understand the next important factor.
NOTE: If you are enjoying this content- you might also like this article that contains a completely different career test. This article discusses the step-by-step process of determining what you want to be in the future. Future Job Quiz
2) Pursue a career consistent with your personality
Molly Jones mentioned in his book The 10 top tips for planning for a Career that you need to consider your personality as an asset in choosing your career objectives. In order to get the most out of your job, you need to align your work with your personality. You can’t love what you don’t have a passion for. Whether you are employed or an entrepreneur there are several reasons for not loving the work you do.
You can have a personality clash with your boss, a bad work environment or something just not clicking. All these factors can comprise a mismatch between your personality and your work. After two or three years of being employed, no one wants to quit their job because it is driving them crazy. So, what should you do if indeed the job is driving up the wall?
The answer is simple. Seek professional help to view yourself from a different perspective. Scientific studies in the field of psychology suggest that at times we are unaware of our exact personality traits. If you have never been to Niagra Falls, you might find it hard to visualize the emotions you’d feel standing at one of the world’s largest waterfalls. Similarly, without personal experience, it is hard to imagine how you would behave in certain situations. However, a scientific test will help you identify the following factors:
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a) Aptitudes that help you pursue a career based on your strengths
In this article 3 keys to finding your perfect career by US news, the author mentions three important considerations for a job hunt. One of these factors is to leverage one’s aptitude. There is a high probability that while deciding to pursue a career, you do not consider your strengths. If you are not a good public speaker then becoming a successful salesperson might pose a challenge. In order to get a promotion, you will probably have to compete with a coworker who has exceptional communication skills.
The key to your success will be to use an analytical test to find out your strengths and weaknesses. Knowing your strengths may even help you answer the most famous interview question, “Tell me about yourself”.
b) Cognitive abilities
Some people are great problem solvers. They have a strong inductive reasoning ability while others are more creative, having the ability to visualize abstract ideas. Career tests help analyze your cognitive abilities which point to the type of work that best fits.
c) Moral values and work responsibilities
Moral standards are a complex concept. What’s right for you may seem morally wrong to others. For example, in certain situations, hiding information that will hurt others may be morally right for one person but flat out wrong for others.
d) Willingness to take a risk
Not everyone is a risk taker. Some prefer choices and opportunities that have low returns but are less risky. If you never had to live with an uncertain cash flow you cannot tell if you can handle a financial crisis or not. You either need to go through the entire experience of financial difficulty or use concrete empirical evidence to identify your risk aversion.
NOTE: Contains a different career test. This article discusses how you can benefit from taking this specific career quiz. What Is My Dream Job Quiz?
e) Building meaningful connections
People who are more energetic, active and outgoing normally end up building meaningful business and personal connections with minimal effort. On the other hand, people who are reserved and quiet prefer jobs within their comfort zones that don’t like networking activities.
It is better to use a personality test to analyze if you can successfully enhance your business connections without going beyond your comfort zone.
f) Type of work
Some personality types enjoy work that is supremely challenging on a day to day basis while others prefer work based on step-by-step predefined instructions. Analysis of your personality may give you an idea what type of work will not exhaust you.
g) Work pressure
Not everyone can handle work pressure. Too much pressure is daunting for many. However, there are people who are most productive when under pressure. Scientific tests will help pursue a career within your threshold of work pressure.
NOTE: Our Free Career Aptitude Test. I think you will enjoy it 🙂
h) Leadership capability
Not everyone has the ability to inspire, motivate and lead people. In order to guide people, it is important to be a good listener. You must also exhibit the ability to understand and manage your own and others’ emotions. This trait is defined as emotional intelligence.
According to a Harvard study, people who possess emotional intelligence are more effective leaders than their counterparts.
j) Motivation
This article “The top ten reasons people hate their job” published by Forbes in 2016 infers that not everyone is motivated by money. This article stated some of the most common non-monetary reasons for hating one’s job are office politics and lack of respect. A career placement test can help determine the actual factors that will motivate you and guide you to pursue a career you will thrive in.
Take one of our career planning programs.
Want To Take A 20 Minute Career Aptitude Test?
•Individual matching to over 1000 well paying careers
•Understand your interests and personality traits so you can choose a great career
•Perform better at work by understanding your personality, communication, and management style.
Need Help Choosing A Specific Lifetime Career You Love?
On Day 15 Of “Career Plan In 15 Days” you will:
•Step 1 – Career Purpose – Picked your career goal
•Step 2 – Valuable Skill – Picked your valuable and marketable skill
•Step 3 – #1 Dream Career – Picked your dream career
•Step 4 – Career Plan – Developed your multi-year career plan
Need Help With Your Job Search?
• Step-by-step, fun, no-pressure system
•Get hired in a new job or career in 90 days or less
•Meet with “Career Mentors” using LinkedIn messaging/email
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•Create a great resume and LinkedIn profile